Art Thou Not Aware That It Is God Who Has Made Subservient to You All That Is on Earth

More often than not Accepted Translations of the Meaning
Muhammad Asad

Art m not aware that information technology is God who has made subservient to you all that is on earth, and the ships that sail through the body of water at His bidding - and [that it is He who] holds the celestial bodies [in their orbits], so that they may not fall upon the earth otherwise than past His leave? Verily, God is most empathetic towards men, a dispenser of grace –

M. G. Pickthall

Hast thou non seen how Allah hath fabricated all that is in the earth subservient unto you? And the ship runneth upon the body of water by His control, and He holdeth back the heaven from falling on the globe unless by His leave. Lo! Allah is, for mankind, Full of Pity, Merciful

Yusuf Ali (Saudi Rev. 1985)

Seest 1000 not that Allah has made subject to yous (men) all that is on the earth, and the ships that sail through the ocean past His Command? He withholds the sky (rain) from failing on the world except past His leave: for Allah is Most Kind and Most Merciful to man

The Clear Quran, Dr. Mustafa Khattab

Do yous non run into that Allah has subjected to you whatsoever is in the earth too equally the ships ˹that˺ canvas through the sea by His command? He keeps the sky from falling downward on the earth except by His permission. Surely Allah is Ever Gracious and Most Merciful to humanity.

Safi Kaskas

Practice you non come across that God has made everything on the earth of service to you-including the ships that run through the body of water past His command- and that He prevents heaven from falling on the world without His permission? God is most compassionate and most Merciful-to-all people.

Wahiduddin Khan

Do you not run across, how God has subjected everything on the world to yous, and the ships that sail on the sea past His command. He holds dorsum the sky from falling downward on the earth, except with His permission. God is about compassionate and virtually merciful to mankind


Practice yous not see that Allah has made subservient to you whatsoever is in the earth and the ships running in the sea by His command? And He withholds the heaven from falling on the globe except with His permission; well-nigh surely Allah is Compassionate, Merciful to men

Dr. Laleh Bakhtiar

Hast thousand not considered that God caused to be subservient to you what is in and on the earth? And the boats run through the sea by His command. And He holds back the heaven so that information technology not autumn on the world, simply by His permission. Truly, to humanity God is Gentle, Compassionate.


Have y'all not seen how God has subjected whatever is on earth to you, and the ships that sail at sea by His command? He holds back the sky from falling downward on the earth except with His permission. God is so Gentle, Merciful towards mankind.

Abdul Hye

Don't you run across that Allah has subjected to you (people) what is on the earth, and the ships that canvass through the sea by His Command? He withholds the sky lest it fall on the earth except by His permission. Surely, Allah is full of Kindness, Merciful for flesh.

The Report Quran

Hast thou not considered that God has made whatsoever is on the globe subservient unto you—and the ship sails upon the body of water—by His Command? And He maintains the heaven lest it fall upon the earth, save by His Leave. Truly God is Kind and Merciful unto flesh

Dr. Kamal Omar

Have you not seen that Allah has subjected in your involvement whatever is in the globe, and the ocean-vessel sails through the sea under His Command? And he holds the heaven otherwise it may fall down on world, (the just) exception being under His Permission. Verily, Allah to flesh is indeed, Total of Kindness, continuously Merciful

Chiliad. Farook Malik

Do you lot not see that Allah has subdued to you all that is in the earth and the ships that sail through the sea past His command? He is withholding the sky in a way that it cannot fall down on the globe without His permission; surely Allah is very kind and merciful to mankind

Talal A. Itani (new translation)

Do you not run into that God fabricated everything on earth subservient to yous? How the ships canvas at sea by His command? That He holds up the sky lest information technology falls on earth—except past His permission? God is Gracious towards the people, Most Merciful

Muhammad Mahmoud Ghali

Have you not seen that Allah has subjected to yous whatsoever is in the earth and the ships to run upon the sea (Literally: in the sea) at His Control, and He holds back the heaven then that it should non autumn downwards upon the earth except by His permission? Surely Allah is indeed to flesh E'er-Compassionate, Ever-Merciful

Muhammad Sarwar

Take yous not seen that God, through His command, has made all that is in the world and the ships that sail on the sea subservient to you? He prevents the sky from falling on the world unless He decides otherwise. God is Empathetic and Merciful to mankind

Muhammad Taqi Usmani

Did yous not meet that Allah has subjugated to y'all everything on the earth, and the ships that sail at sea with His command? And He holds the heaven so as it cannot fall on the globe except with His permission. Surely Allah is Very-Kind to the people, Very-Merciful

Shabbir Ahmed

Have yous non realized how Allah has made everything in the earth subservient to you? And the ships run upon the sea past His Command, and He holds back the angelic bodies and high atmosphere from coming downwards on to the world except in accordance with His Law. Verily, Allah is Compassionate, Merciful to people

Dr. Munir Munshey

Exercise yous not see? Allah has tamed everything on this earth for you. The ships sail in the body of water past His command, and He withholds the sky so high, then it will non plummet upon the earth except by His will. Indeed, Allah is the most Forgiving and the most Kind

Syed Vickar Ahamed

Do you not see that Allah has made to serve y'all all that is on the earth, and the ships that sheet through the bounding main past His control? He stops the sky from falling on the earth except by His permission: Verily, Allah is, for mankind, Almost Kind (Ra'uf), Most Merciful (Raheem)

Umm Muhammad (Sahih International)

Do y'all not see that Allah has subjected to you whatsoever is on the earth and the ships which run through the sea by His control? And He restrains the sky from falling upon the earth, unless by His permission. Indeed Allah , to the people, is Kind and Merciful

[The Monotheist Grouping] (2011 Edition)

Did y'all not see that God commits to you lot what is in the land, and the ships which sail in the sea by His leave And He holds the heaven then that information technology would not collapse upon the Earth, except by His get out. Indeed, God is Kind towards flesh, Merciful

Abdel Haleem

Have you lot non considered how God has made everything on the earth of service to you? That ships canvass the sea at His command? That He keeps the heavens from falling downward on the world without His permission? God is virtually compassionate and most merciful to flesh

Abdul Majid Daryabadi

Beholdest g not that Allah hath subjected to Himself for you lot whatsoever is on the globe and the ships running in the sea by His command? And He with holdeth the heaven that it fall not on the globe salvage by His leave. Verily Allah is, unto flesh, Clement, Merciful

Ahmed Ali

Practise yous not encounter God has harnessed all that is in the world, to your service? And the boats ply in the ocean by His command. He holds the sky in position lest information technology should fall upon the globe save by His dispensation. Verily God is compassionate and kind to men

Aisha Bewley

Do you not run into that Allah has made everything on the earth subservient to you and the ships running upon the body of water by His command? He holds back the heaven, preventing it from falling to the earth — except past His permission. Allah is All-Compassionate to mankind, Nearly Merciful.

Ali Ünal

Do you not consider that God has made all that is on globe to be of service to you, and the ships that run upon the sea past His command? And He holds the heaven so that information technology may not fall upon the globe unless by His leave. Surely God is for humankind All-Pitying, All-Empathetic

Ali Quli Qara'i

Have you not regarded that Allah has disposed for yous[r benefit] whatever in that location is in the globe, and [that] the ships sail at sea by His command, and He sustains the sky lest it should fall on the globe, excepting [when it does so] by His leave? Indeed Allah is most kind and merciful to mankind

Hamid S. Aziz

Have you non seen that Allah has subjected for y'all all that is in the earth, and the send that runs on in the sea at His behest, and He holds dorsum the sky from falling on the earth relieve at His behest? Verily, Allah to flesh is Gracious, Merciful

A.L. Bilal Muhammad et al (2018)

Do you not see that God has made subject to you all that is on the world, and the ships that sail through the waters by His command? He withholds the sky's rain from failing on the globe except past His permission, for God is Most Kind and the Merciful Redeemer to humanity

Ali Bakhtiari Nejad

Have y'all not considered that God brought what is on the earth under your command (and at your service), and the ships sail through the sea by His command? And He keeps the sky from falling on the world except past His permission. God is certainly gentle and merciful to the people.

Musharraf Hussain

Have you lot not considered how Allah fabricated everything on World to serve yous? Ships sail on the ocean by His control, and He holds the sky in place so that it does not autumn on to the Earth; everything happens with His permission. Allah is Compassionate, Kind to people.


Accept you lot not seen how Allah has subjected to you all that is in the earth, and the vessels that sail in the sea by His control, and it is He Who holds back the sky that information technology may not autumn on earth except by His leave? Surely Allah is Most Gentle, Ever Compassionate to people

[The Monotheist Group] (2013 Edition)

Didyou not run across that God commits to you lot what is on the earth? And the ships sail in the sea with His permission. And He holds the sky so that it would not collapse upon the world, except by His permission. Indeed, God is Kind towards the people, Merciful

Mohammad Shafi

Don't y'all run into that Allah has made everything in the earth subservient to you? And the ship sails on the bounding main by His command. And He keeps the heavens from falling on the globe, except with His leave. Allah is indeed Kind and Merciful to men

Controversial or status undetermined works
Rashad Khalifa

Do you lot non see that GOD has committed in your service everything on earth? The ships run in the bounding main by His command. He prevents the heavenly bodies from crashing onto the earth, except in accordance with His command. GOD is Most Kind towards the people, Nigh Merciful.

Ahmed Raza Khan (Barelvi)

Have you not seen that Allah has subjected to yous whatever is in the earth, and that the boat runs in the river by His command? And He has withheld the heaven that it may non fan on the earth merely by His command. Undoubtedly, Allah is well-nigh Loving, virtually Affectionate towards human being.

Hasan Al-Fatih Qaribullah

Practise you not encounter that Allah has subjected to you all that is on the globe, and the ships which run upon the bounding main past His command? He holds the sky back lest information technology should fall upon the earth except by His permission. Allah is Gentle to people, the About Merciful

Maulana Muhammad Ali

Seest thousand non that Allah has made subservient to you all that is in the world, and the ships gliding in the bounding main by His control? And He withholds the sky from falling on the globe except with His permission. Surely Allah is Compassionate, Merciful to men

Muhammad Ahmed & Samira

Practise yous not encounter/understand that God manipulated/subjugated for yous what is in the earth/Planet Earth, and the ships menses/run in the sea/body of water with His volition/command, and He holds/seizes the heaven/space that it falls/lands on the earth/planet Earth except with His permission? That truly God (is) with the people merciful/compassionate (Eastward), merciful

Bijan Moeinian

Do you not see that God has put at your disposal whatever y'all observe on earth? Do yous non see that He has subjected the boat to the police that permit she float over the bounding main (instead of sinking)? exercise you not see that He is supporting the sky (with the ozone layer) and does non allow the heavenly bodies fall on earth (due to the laws of common gravity which keeps the planets from collusion), unless He decides so (such as falling of a meteor on earth)? Indeed God is the Most Kind and Merciful (in providing such a hospitable environment) to mankind

Faridul Haque

Did you not see that Allah has given in your control all that is in the globe - and the ship that moves upon the sea by His control? And He restricts the heavens that it may not fall on to the earth except by His command; indeed Allah is Most Compassionate, Near Merciful upon mankind

Sher Ali

Seest thou not that ALLAH has subjected to you lot whatever is in the earth, and the ships that sail through the sea by HIS command? And HE holds dorsum the heaven lest it should fall on the earth relieve past HIS leave. Surely, ALLAH is compassionate and Merciful to people

Dr. Mohammad Tahir-ul-Qadri

Have you non seen that Allah has subjected to you whatever is in the earth and (also) the vessels that sail in the sea (and rivers) past His control (i.e., constabulary) and He withholds the heavens (i.e., spatial spheres and atmospheric fields) from falling on to the earth (under a catholic organisation)? But (when He wills, they will collide) past His command. Surely, Allah is Most Compassionate, Most Merciful to mankind

Amatul Rahman Omar

Do you not consider that Allah has made subservient to yous all that is on the globe? (Practice you not see that) the ships sail through the body of water by His command? And He holds the rain dorsum from falling upon the globe save by His permission. Verily, Allah is Nigh Compassionate to mankind (and) Ever Merciful (to them)

Muhsin Khan & Muhammad al-Hilali

See you not that Allah has subjected to you (mankind) all that is on the earth, and the ships that sail through the sea past His Control? He withholds the heaven from falling on the globe except by His Leave. Verily, Allah is, for flesh, full of Kindness, Most Merciful

New, Fractional, or In Progress Translations
Linda "iLHam" Barto

Practice you not see that Allah has made bailiwick to yous all that is on the earth? [Do you non see] that the ships sail across the sea past His control? He keeps the sky from falling on the earth without His permission. Truly, Allah is full of kindness for humanity. [He is] the Near Merciful.

Fadel Soliman, Bridges' Translation

Take yousg not seen that Allah has subjected to youpl whatever is in the earth and the ships that canvas at body of water by His command, and that He holds up (whatever is in) the heaven lest it fall on earth, except by His permission? Allah is indeed truly Compassionate towards flesh, Bestowing of mercy.

Irving & Mohamed Hegab

Have you non seen how Allah (God) has subjected whatever is on earth to you, and the ships that sail at bounding main past His control? He holds back the sky from falling down on the earth except with His permission. Allah (God) is so Gentle, Merciful towards flesh.

Sayyid Qutb

Practise you not see that God has fabricated subservient to you lot all that is on globe, and the ships that sail the sea at His behest? He it is who holds the angelic bodies, so that they may not fall upon the earth except by His leave. Most compassionate is God, and merciful to flesh.

Ahmed Hulusi

Did y'all not encounter how Allah subjected everything on the earth and the ships that sheet on the sea to your service... He protects the sky from the collision (of meteors)... Except what forms with His permission... Indeed Allah is Ra'uf and Rahim to mankind.

Sayyed Abbas Sadr-Ameli

Accept you not seen that Allah has made subservient to y'all whatever is in the earth and the ships running in the bounding main by His command, and He withholds the sky from falling on the earth, save with His permission? Verily, Allah is, for flesh, Full of Compassion, Merciful

Al-muntakhab fi tafsir al-Qur'an al-Karim

Do yous non see that Allah reduced for y'all al! that is on earth to a state of subservienacy, and the ships move on the surface of the sea by His invisible acting strength producing their buoyance and their move ! And tIe sustains and support the heavens -their contents- and keeps them from falling on the world unless it be permitted by Him -meteorites, shooting stars, fire assurance-. Indeed, Allah displays kindness to all people, -those who serve Him and those who do not. His mercy is extended to al

Mir Aneesuddin

Did you lot not consider that Allah has subjected to your service that which is in the earth, and the ships sailing in the sea by His command, and He withholds the heaven from falling on the world, (the sky cannot autumn down) without His permission? Allah is certainly full of compassion and Merciful to mankind.


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